We Remember

Mike Teegarden

May provides us with happy and somber occasions to celebrate.

Let’s start by calling attention to those who do a challenging job: teachers.

May 2 is National Teacher Appreciation Day. Full disclosure, my wife is a second generation teacher, and my daughter is studying education with plans to be a teacher.

Education is the foundation on which strong communities are built. If you know a teacher, give them some well-deserved love. For all of you teachers out there, I know how hard your job is, and you are appreciated.

I’m still in contact with 2 of my favorite teachers. My second grade teacher and I reconnected a few years ago when she went to work for her partner, who was my wife’s doctor. She recognized my name when reviewing my wife’s chart. She is now retired and traveling the country in an RV. I have enjoyed getting to know her all over again.

Dave Labelle was my college photography instructor in the late 1980s. He now writes a photography column and the occasional feature for this magazine. He continues to be a dear friend, colleague and mentor.

For Memorial Day, Dave wrote a story to honor our fallen soldiers who gave the ultimate sacrifice. A trio of veterans recently walked the entirety of Highway 20 from Boston to Newport, Oregon, to raise awareness of missing veterans. Dave spent time with them on their journey, documenting the trek. We bring you their story and offer sincere gratitude to the families of fallen soldiers.

Dave’s column, The Great Picture Hunt, pays homage to mothers and all they sacrifice for their children. I hope all the mothers reading this are treated to a wonderful Mother’s Day. You deserve it.

May is also when those with green thumbs begin planning their gardens. If growing the biggest tomatoes in your neighborhood is your thing, check out our story for tips. We will help you plan for the season, suggest varieties, and offer advice to fend off the pests and diseases that can ruin your plants.

Happy growing!

Mike Teegarden
Editorial Director